The Construction Material Processors Association (CMPA) is dedicated to the representation and service of its Members in the Victorian Earth Resources industry.
The CMPA was formed to represent a broad spectrum of those involved in construction material processing businesses.
Evolving from industry pressure for a peer network of independent quarrying companies, the CMPA now has an established membership base representing businesses involved in the extraction, processing or otherwise working in hard rock, gravel, sand, masonry, clay, lime, soil, gypsum or recycling; industry consultants, industry suppliers and any industry worker.
Since inception the CMPA has been successful in representing Members’ interests to government on issues including rehabilitation bonds, the development of a Work Safely Reference Manual, a Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual and administration documents – including plant safety checklists and employee wage books. Training courses for industry employees have also been instituted.
The CMPA launched a new “Quarries Build Communities” video at the 2023 Annual Dinner.
The CMPA ran a 30 second TV ad in regional Victoria to give extra exposure to the “Quarries Build Communities” video released at the 2022 Annual Dinner in Wangaratta.
The package is now complete following the development of the poster and brochure at the 2019 Annual Dinner in Marysville.
These are to complement and support the CMPA’s Rules: its “purposes” include to “demonstrate a commitment to the community in which it exists”.
The “Quarries Build Communities” poster, brochure, videos and TV ad provide a simple explanation of quarrying encompassing the need for quarries and their role in the economy as well as addressing issues of concern to the community such as protection of the environment and aboriginal heritage. Information is also given on use of recycled construction material and examples of rehabilitated quarries.
Watch the CMPA Video
Quarries Build Communities – TV Ad
Quarries Build Communities – Poster
Quarries Build Communities – Brochure
Statement of Membership
The CMPA represents a broad spectrum of those involved in construction material processing businesses engaged in the extracting, processing or otherwise working in hard rock, gravel, sand, masonry, clay, lime, soil, gypsum or recycling; industry consultants, industry suppliers and any industry worker.
Statement of Purpose
The CMPA will:
- Conduct its affairs with honesty and integrity;
- Demonstrate its commitment to the:
- Viability of the industry
- Protection of the environment
- Community in which it exists;
- Vigorously pursue with the Government and others issues of widespread concern to Members;
- Demonstrate leadership and a sense of direction for the industry;
- Act as a resource and provide support to Members through the delivery of cost savings and assistance in complying with legal obligations;
- Foster unity and cooperation between Members and others;
- Promote continuous improvement through education, training and other activities