Batten down ahead of strong winds
WorkSafe Victoria issued a media release warning of the high winds which occur in Victoria during Spring and the need to ensure construction sites are appropriately secured. This warning is … Continued
WorkSafe Victoria issued a media release warning of the high winds which occur in Victoria during Spring and the need to ensure construction sites are appropriately secured. This warning is … Continued
06.09.16 Earth Resources Regulation Industry Reference Group, DEDJTR Melbourne, attended by Dr Elizabeth Gibson 06.09.16 Meeting with Elizabeth Radcliffe, Director Stakeholder Engagement, ERR DEDJTR Melbourne, attended by Dr Elizabeth Gibson
22.08.16 Extractive Industry Taskforce meeting (Supply and Demand), DEDJTR, Melbourne attended by Dr Elizabeth Gibson. 22.08.16 Meeting with Emily Garnet, advisor to Minister D’Ambrosio regarding EPA … Continued
Drill Rig Rollover. A diesel hydraulic powered drill rig, commonly used for production or presplit drilling at mines and quarries, was being operated on a quarry bench when it rolled … Continued
A state government agency will reassess a decision to list land earmarked for a quarry as an Aboriginal sacred site after it was challenged by the applicant. Aboriginal Victoria (AV) … Continued
Victorians are encouraged to have their say on changes being proposed to Victoria’s OHS regulations. The changes have been designed to modernise and streamline the existing OHS Regulations 2007, which … Continued
Most farms use some form of dangerous goods, either to operate machinery (e.g. fuel, oil) or to control weeds or pests (e.g. fumigants). Dangerous goods are substances that have properties … Continued
Unintended initiation of explosive product An electrical firing system was employed to initiate explosive product. After set-up, and while the product was in sleep mode, an unintended initiation occurred. Initial … Continued
Due to the unavailability of explosives boosters from the regular supplier, a consignment of boosters was sourced from an alternate supplier. The new boosters had been used on site for … Continued
Almost 130 businesses and individuals were fined a record amount by the Victorian courts in 2015-16 for breaching OHS laws. New figures released today by WorkSafe reveal 108 businesses and … Continued