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Membership FAQ

Voting Membership

  • The CMPA produced magazine Sand & Stone every two months
  • The annual Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual
  • Discounts on all CMPA publications and other supporting documentation
  • Access to industry specific, heavily discounted, recognised training courses
  • Invitation to the Annual General Meeting & Dinner for Members, their families and employees
  • Invitations to General Meetings and Workshops held throughout the year
  • Discounted products and services from Associate Members (at their discretion)

Not so. Many Members are very small with approximately 50% of our Members producing less than 30,000 tonnes per year. These Members particularly benefit from the CMPA by:

  • Having access to a wide range of industry specific training local to them and at a discounted rate
  • Being able to implement ‘off-the-shelf’ industry specific safety systems such as pre start and end day safety checklists
  • Access to discounts from Associate Members which are normally only available to large companies
  • Interaction with other industry personnel
  • Representation and advice from the Association if something goes wrong that we can help with

The vast majority of CMPA Members are either regional or rural companies. As such, any training coordinated by the CMPA is offered throughout the state to ensure that it is accessible to all.

CMPA meetings are generally held in Metropolitan Melbourne, around the Ring Road system; however our AGM alternates by region (held in Traralgon in 2005, Keilor in 2006, Bendigo in 2007, Melbourne in 2008, Ballarat in 2009, Melbourne in 2010, Echuca / Moama in 2011, Healesville in 2012, Torquay in 2013, Melbourne in 2014, Wangaratta in 2015, Melbourne in 2016, Geelong in 2017, Melbourne in 2018 and Marysville in 2019). The CMPA attempts to visit all Members every three years.

Membership is open to both parties in this situation. The landowner will particularly benefit from access to the lease document and an increased knowledge of the industry.

The contracting company will particularly benefit from the site management information and the networking opportunities available to them. Membership in this instance is linked to the site’s turnover.

No, fees are only based on the annual tonnage of the company in Victoria.

For privacy reasons, your company’s contact details will only be supplied to Associate Members if approved on your membership application.

CMPA Voting Membership fees are directly linked to the company’s annual tonnage from extractive industries operations in Victoria from the last financial year.

Eg. Fred Blogg’s combined tonnage from his extractive industries operations in New South Wales and Victoria is 500,000 tonnes of which 160,000 tonnes comes from his Victorian operation. Therefore, Fred Bloggs would be a CMPA Member at Level 4

The CMPA Secretariat is available to assist Members with their queries. If the Secretariat is unable to address the problem, they will direct you to someone who can.

Associate Membership

Due to our consideration of the privacy of our Voting Members, we are unable to supply a full listing of our Voting Members. However, once you become a fully financial CMPA Member, we can provide you with an abridged listing of our Voting Members and their contact details who have specifically permitted the CMPA to forward their details onto the Associate Members. This listing is updated annually.

Voting Members can be accessed through a variety of avenues including:

  • Networking with owners of companies
  • Inclusion of a free, full page listing for every Associate Member of their contact details and goods and services provided in the annually produced CMPA Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual. This manual contains all preferred suppliers (Associate Members) and acts as a reference for our Voting Members when purchasing goods and services
  • Writing educational articles for Sand & Stone Magazine which is distributed to 1000 people within the Victorian extractive industry every two months
  • Advertising in Sand & Stone Magazine and/or a variety of other CMPA documents
  • Having a flyer sent out in Sand & Stone Magazine mail out
  • Additional advertising in the CMPA Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual
  • Sponsorship of CMPA Workshops and OHS Support Documentation developed as a result of these Workshops
  • Hosting a General Meeting (consists of a seminar/presentation by the host company and followed by a CMPA General Meeting)
  • Hosting seminars or presentations for Voting Members on a specific area of specialty, with such an activity being thoroughly advertised by the CMPA
  • Sponsorship, signage and attendance at the Annual General Meeting & Dinner
  • Strengthening industry through developing training materials for a unit of the Certificate II or III in Extractive Industries Training Package (with the CMPA)

Whilst some of these marketing avenues such as advertising in the newsletter etc. are an additional cost on top of membership, Associate Membership fees are significantly lower than Voting Membership fees to accommodate for these extra costs.

Please refer to the Associate Marketing – What Do I Get? for a summary of all marketing opportunities. A detailed explanation of all of these opportunities is available from the CMPA.

Associate Members are welcome to attend both Management Committee and Associate Committee meetings. Annual and General Meetings also welcome the attendance of Associate Members, however the number of attendees from each company will be limited in relation to the number of Voting Members attending.

Associate Membership fee levels range on a scale of 1 – 4 and directly relate to the company’s annual turnover generated only from Victorian construction material processing businesses.

Please ‘Contact Us’ with an estimate of this turnover and we will respond with a membership proposal.

Eg. Fred Blogg’s turnover in the industry Australia wide is $6,000,000 of which $450,000 comes from Victoria. Therefore, Fred Bloggs would be a CMPA Member at Level 2.