Other Resources

Employee Wage Book
The function of the Employee Wage Book {1330} is to ensure accurate records are kept of employee working hours to enable accurate wage and allowance payments.
Wage employees are to record the following information on the Employee Wage Sheet {1330}:
- Site number and the date they are working there
- Record the time commenced, time finished and amount of time taken for lunch
In accordance with the Quarry Award a meal break should be taken between 4 and 6 hours after the commencement of the shift. In the event of an employee leaving earlier than the end of their shift they should state if sick, using RDO entitlement or another type of leave.
The Site Manager is to initial each square at item 7 on the sheet, and sign the bottom of the page, thereby authorising the hours worked by that employee. They should also use the bottom of the sheet to inform the Personnel Manager if the employee has an entitlement to ‘Travel’ or ‘Camp Allowance’ for that week. If ‘Camp Allowance’ is payable then the number of nights also needs to be written.
It is the responsibility of the Site Manager to ensure the original timesheets are faxed or given to the Personnel Manager by 9.00am on the day of processing.

Issue Resolution Pad
The Issue Resolution Pad consists of 100 Issue Resolution Forms {1325}. The function of this form is to:
- Supply any employee, contractor, customer or visitor an official channel for documenting concerns or ideas they hold regarding any facet of the company.
- Ensure that all issues pertaining to the company are identified and resolved in a timely manner.
This will benefit the company utilising this process as it will ensure continual improvement of total awareness, possible reduction in accidents, incidents, sick leave and absenteeism, and the development of a productive culture.
The Issue Resolution Form {1325} is a tool that has many uses including the identification of issues to any person working on a company site.
This form will also assist a company in meeting their obligations under the Occupational Health & Safety Act 2004 in Section 22.1.c that deals with the ability of all persons on a site to raise issues they hold and Section 73 which deals with how these issues are to be resolved.
The Issue Resolution Form {1325} is available as an exclusive pad of checklists or at the back of all CMPA released safety checklists.
Hot Work Permit
The function of the Hot Work Permit {1315} is to ensure that all necessary precautions are put in place before any hot work is carried out in order to prevent any associated hazards including uncontrolled fire, explosion, radiation, burns and toxic fumes.
Hot work includes:
- Oxy cutting and welding;
- Brazing and soldering;
- Repairs or alterations undertaken with blow lamps, naked flames and other heat producing equipment; and
- Grinding where sparks may fall onto flammable materials or conveyor belts
The Hot Work permits are pre-printed in duplicate pad form that are sequentially numbered and supplied by the CMPA. The pad is to be held at the site’s Weighbridge Office until it is finished and forwarded to Head Office.
Before any hot work can be undertaken a Hot Work permit must be completed and signed by the Site Manager. Where long-term maintenance contracts require regular hot work, the Site Manager may issue a Hot Work permit for a limited period (after which a new permit would be issued) or for the period of the contract works. The maintenance contractor will be responsible for ensuring that all the requirements of the Hot Work permit are met each time hot works are undertaken.
Personal Work Record Book
The function of the Personal Work Record Book {945} is to:
- Provide individual employees with a singular, centralised location to document evidence of skills they have learnt;
- Underpin and provide evidence to support employee competency in a formal assessment by an RTO;
- Provide individual employees with their own personalised reference to utilise when undertaking tasks;
- Provide Managers/Mentors with a reference on individual employees’ understanding of various tasks;
- Provide Managers/Mentors with a facility to recognise and provide comment on tasks completed by employees;
- Be used by the employee as a tool for mentoring others in the future; and
- Reinforce the employee’s learning process after repeated use over time.
This publication is produced as a bound hard covered book similar to the CMPA checklists.
Site Manager’s Report Book
The Site Manager’s Report Book {944} provides managers with a means of recording the tasks assigned to employees including the date, time and instruction given. This publication is produced as a bound hard covered book similar to the CMPA checklists.

VicRoads Load Restraint Guide
The VicRoads Load Restraint Guide is a publication produced by the National Transport Commission and Roads and Traffic Authority NSW. It provides guidelines and performance standards for the safe carriage of loads on road vehicles.